Beast Nest in Big Debbie (ZDA) | Glasbeni performans

13.06.2017 | 21:00

*English version below

Dekolonizacija zvoka; glasbeni performans Beast Nest in Big Debbie (ZDA)

BEAST NEST je Sharmi Basu, v ZDA rojena queer umetnica, ki ustvarja eksperimentalno glasbo kot sredstvo dekolonizacije glasbenega jezika. Politično, a vendar eterično estetiko skuša katalizirati z združevanjem antikolonialne in antiimperialistične politike z zavezanostjo k duhovnosti v umetnosti.

BIG DEBBIE je ameriška umetnica, ki je začela ustvarjati leta 2012, leto kasneje pa so njena dela izšla v butičnih kasetnih in vinilnih izdajah pri založbah Cochon, Teen Action in Skrot Up. Pri Midheaven Distribution so izdajo opisali kot “hipnotično, strašljivo in mestoma plesno glasbo z močnimi vplivi osemdesetih.”

Produkcija dogodka: Pritličje

— ENG —

Decolonisation of sound; Sound performance by Beast Nest and Big Debbie (USA)

BEAST NEST is Sharmi Basu, an Oakland born and based South Asian queer woman of color creating experimental music as a means of decolonizing musical language. She attempts to catalyze a political, yet ethereal aesthetic by combining her anti-colonial and anti-imperialist politics with a commitment to spirituality within the arts.

BIG DEBBIE is an LA – based artist that started as a bedroom recording project in 2012. Within a year these 4 track recordings surfaced in a form of limited cassette and vinyl releases on such labels as Cochon, Teen Action and Danish Skrot Up. Midheaven Distribution described the release as “hypnotic, haunting and dancy at times, the music carries a strong 80’s influence.”

Event production: Pritličje

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