VIDEO STREAM | Rentgen | Izid kompilacije raziskovalne elektronike

14.07.2020 | 20:00


Zaradi omejitev, povezanih z virusom, dogodka v Pritličju, žal, ne bo in bo potekal samo preko video live streama. Lineup ostaja isti, ure tudi. Priklopite se v torek, 14.07., od 20:00 dalje:


> #DUF
> dvidevat
> Nitz
> Shekuza – Miha Šajina
> Terranigma
> VJ 5237

/english below/

Dvajset domačih izvajalcev in izvajalk, ena kompilacija.

Založba Kamizdat ob dnevu spletnih založb – Netlabel Day, 14. julija, na novi kompilaciji predstavlja 20 novih in neizdanih skladb dvajsetih ustvarjalcev. Njen izid bomo proslavili z dogodkom v Pritličju z DJ seti nekaterih izvajalcev na kompilaciji.

Kompilacija Access Frame: Equity predstavlja neizdana dela novih in uveljavljenih imen, ki se gibljejo po širokem žanrskem spektru elektronske glasbe: od eksperimentalnega techna do hrupa in zvočne umetnosti, preko brejkov, bass-a in drugih odvodov elektronske in elektroakustične glasbe. Projekt skuša vzpostaviti prakso kritičnega mišljenja o dostopu in distribuciji umetnosti. Postavlja vprašanje: kakšen je okvir skozi katerega nam je dovoljeno, in možno, dostopati do kulture? Kako je vzpostavljen, kdo ga vzpostavlja, in kako je ta okvir možno spreminjati in prečiti?

Za kompilacijo so glasbo prispevali:
#DUF / Ansambel PRSA / BeatMyth / dvidevat / Janez Plesnar / Katyeeum – aeuum / Kikimore / Kikiriki – noise / Lara / Lifecutter / Luka Prinčič / MBerlin / Muzikačaka / Nitz / Nulla – Luna Nulla / rouge-ah / Shekuza / Terranigma / umdhlebi / Zergon


Kamizdat is proud to present a 2020 Netlabel Day release. Access Frame: Equity is a compilation of 20 local electronic artists with many original works that span a wide spectrum of electronic music genres: from noise and sonic art, via bass, breaks, all the way to acid techno. The concept of the compilation is to bring attention to the conflict between necessity of free culture and enclosure of culture by copyright law. The conflict which is temporarily solved by Creative Commons licences.

Access Frame is a series of compilations of adventurous music published by Kamizdat under a Creative Commons licence on 14. July – International Netlabel Day. It tries to establish a practice of thinking critically about access to, and distribution of, art. It poses a question: what is the frame through which we are allowed, and able, to access culture? How is it created, by whom, and can such frame of access be modified and transgressed?

Musicians on the compilation:
#DUF / Ansambel PRSA / BeatMyth / dvidevat / Janez Plesnar / Katyeeum – aeuum / Kikimore / Kikiriki – noise / Lara / Lifecutter / Luka Prinčič / MBerlin / Muzikačaka / Nitz / Nulla – Luna Nulla / rouge-ah / Shekuza / Terranigma / umdhlebi / Zergon

Slovene freeform boutique netlabel focused on releasing music by local artists. Since 2006, all digital releases are downloadable for free and under Creative Commons licences, while the collaboration with local artisans results in unique and imaginative packaging for limited physical hand-made editions.

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