Ogled dokumentarnega filma Imprisoning a generation

17.10.2019 | 18:00

Imprisoning a Generation (50′, režija: Zelda Edmunds) je dokumentarni film, ki sledi zgodbi štirih mladih Palestincev, ki jih je aretirala izraelska vojska in izraelski politični sistem. Njihova perspektiva, skupaj z glasovi njihovih družin, prikaže zapleteno strukturo represije, ki sega preko zaporniških zidov. Film je z angleškimi podnapisi.

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Dogodek je del Kulturne ambasade Palestine.
Več o ostalih dogodkih v okviru Kulturne ambasade Palestine si lahko preberete tukaj.


Imprisoning a Generation (50 min, directed by: Zelda Edmunds) is a documentary film following the stories of four young Palestinians who have been detained and imprisoned under the Israeli military and political systems. Their perspectives, along with the voices of their families, combine to form a lens into the entangled structures of oppression that expand well beyond the prison walls. The film is with English subtitles.

The event is part of the Cultural Embassy of Palestine. To see other events check here .


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