28.05.2022 ǀ 22:00
*English below*
Predotvoritveni dogodek
Predotvoritveni dogodek
Dogodek bo potekal v slovenskem jeziku.
V sodelovanju s PlayOut in @outinslovenija .
Predotvoritveni festivalski dogodek nas bo popeljal v samo središče – oziroma dvorišče – štaba Društva Parada ponosa, v atrij stavbe, kjer stoji naša pisarna in kjer se kujejo vsakoletni načrti festivala Parada ponosa. Dogodek organiziramo v sodelovanju s PlayOut in Out in Slovenia, ki v tem času gostita teniški GLTA (Gay and Lesbian Tennis Association) turnir v Ljubljani. Na stojnici s koktajli boste zato lahko opazile_i marsikatero_ega tenisačico_a, ki se bo hladil_a po vroči tekmi.
Poleg osvežilnih napitkov, stojnice z mavričnimi pripomočki in foto kotička bodo dvorišče v plesišče spremenile didžejka NinaBelle, didžejka msn gf in vidžejka rastrLAB. Ob pestri družbi in številnih aktivnostih nas torej čaka tudi glasbeno-vizualni spektakel.
Poleg osvežilnih napitkov, stojnice z mavričnimi pripomočki in foto kotička bodo dvorišče v plesišče spremenile didžejka NinaBelle, didžejka msn gf in vidžejka rastrLAB. Ob pestri družbi in številnih aktivnostih nas torej čaka tudi glasbeno-vizualni spektakel.
*Nina Kodrič aka NinaBelle je didžejka, producentka, akademska glasbenica, glasbena opremljevalka in promotorka klubskih dogodkov. Je članica kvir kolektiva Ustanova, soorganizatorka festivala Grounded, hkrati je del dua Warrego Valles, ki ga je s producentko Nino Hudej ustanovila leta 2017. Za sabo imata dva albuma, EP, nekaj singlov ter remixov na različnih kompilacijah … Nastopata doma in v tujini, na različnih festivalih, klubskih dogodkih in drugod. Seti NineBelle niso žanrsko ali prostorsko omejeni, nepredvidljivi in vedno znova v iskanju novih zvokov in trendov v postklubski elektronski glasbi.
*Msn gf kot producentka in didžejka v iskanju novih žanrskih mutacij ne dela razlik med klubskimi tresljaji in radijskimi valovi. Po debiju na kompilaciji ISKRA DELTA: Onboarding Soundscapes (pospešena priredba balade Prvič vem skupine Power Dancers) in didžej nastopih v Cukrarni in Monoklu trenutno napenja glasilke in greje procesorje z materialom za svoj prvi EP, od hyperpopa do happy hardcorea, s strateškim ščepcem avtohtone y2k nostalgije v nightcore registru.
*Urša Čuk aka rastrLAB je vizualna in digitalna umetnica. Zanimajo jo različni mediji ustvarjanja, predvsem fotografija, grafično oblikovanje, video in avdiovizualne projekcije. Pri vizualizacijah združuje fotografije, video in digitalne teksture, rada se giblje med retro in distopičnimi valovi.
Celoten program Festivala si lahko ogledaš tukaj:
Pre-opening event
Pre-opening event
The event will be held in Slovene.
In cooperation with PlayOut and Out in Slovenia.
The pre-opening festival event will take us to the very heart, or backyard, of the headquarters of the Ljubljana Pride Association. It will take place in the atrium of the building where our office is located and where the annual plans of the Pride Parade festival are devised. The event is organised together with the iniciatives PlayOut and Out in Slovenia, which will also be hosting the LGBTIQ+ tennis tournament in Ljubljana at the time. At the cocktail stand, you can therefore see many tennis players cooling off after a hot match.
In addition to refreshments, rainbow stalls and a photo corner, the yard will be transformed into a dance floor by DJ Nina Belle, DJ msn gf and VJ RastrLAB. So get ready for a musical and visual extravaganza with interesting company and a variety of activities.
In addition to refreshments, rainbow stalls and a photo corner, the yard will be transformed into a dance floor by DJ Nina Belle, DJ msn gf and VJ RastrLAB. So get ready for a musical and visual extravaganza with interesting company and a variety of activities.
*Nina Kodrič aka NinaBelle is a DJ, producer, academic musician, music arranger and promoter of club events. She is also a member of the queer collective Ustanova, co-organiser of the Grounded Festival and one half of the duo Warrego Valles founded together with producer Nina Hudej in 2017. The duo have released two albums, an EP, a few singles and remixes on various compilations, etc. They perform at home and abroad, at various festivals, club events and elsewhere. NinaBelle’s sets are not limited to any genre or space, they are unpredictable and always in search of new sounds and trends in post-club electronic music.
*msn gf, a producer and DJ in search of new genre mutations, makes no distinction between club vibrations and radio waves. After her debut on the compilation ISKRA DELTA: Onboarding Soundscapes (with an accelerated adaptation of the Power Dancer’s ballad Prvič vem) and DJ performances at Cukrarna and Club Monokel, she is currently tensing her vocal cords and warming up processors with material for her first EP, from hyperpop to happy hardcore, with a strategic pinch of indigenous y2k nostalgia in the nightcore registry.
*Urša Čuk aka rastrLAB is a visual and digital artist, interested in various media, especially photography, graphic design, video and audio-visual projections. Her visualisations combine photographs, video and digital textures; she likes to move between retro and dystopian waves.
See the whole Festival programme here: