Pritličje je temelj za nadstropja in streha za podzemlje
Najbolj javno in odprto pritličje v središču mesta. Čez dan smo šank, mašina za kavo in vedno sveža hrana, ob katerih mislimo kritično, delamo koristno, beremo digitalno in kupujemo analogno. Zvečer smo včasih družba, včasih dogodek, vedno pa elektronska streha podzemlju. Zasedli smo (svoje) mesto.
Hrana x pijača | Glasba x zabava | Kultura x družba
Pon | Tor | Sre | Ned 09.00 – 01.00
Čet | Pet | Sob 09.00 – 03.00
The basis for the floors and the roof of the underworld
The most public and open ground floor in the city center. During the day we are a bar, a coffee machine and always fresh food, with which we think critically, act usefully, read digitally and buy analoguely. In the evening we are sometimes a community, sometimes an event, but always an electronic roof to the underground. We have taken (our) space.
Food x Drinks | Music x Entertainment | Culture x Society
Mon | Tue | Wed | Sun 09.00 – 01.00
Thu | Fri | Sat 09.00 – 03.00