08.12.2022 ǀ 21:30
[ Informacije v slovenščini spodaj ]
Do you sometimes think about helping other people who suffer but it seems impossible because they are in different countries or even continents? 
We have a tip for you: join the Write for Rights event. Taking part involves your simple action that can impact the people who need your help right now.

We have a tip for you: join the Write for Rights event. Taking part involves your simple action that can impact the people who need your help right now.
How does it work?
Simply turn up, have a coffee or tea with your friends, and write a short letter on behalf of somebody whose human rights are violated. This year Amnesty’s global marathon of writing letters is all about the right to protest, featuring 11 people whose lives have been negatively impacted by governments’ crackdown on this precious right.
Here you can learn about their stories: https://www.amnesty.si/write-for-rights-2022
Simply turn up, have a coffee or tea with your friends, and write a short letter on behalf of somebody whose human rights are violated. This year Amnesty’s global marathon of writing letters is all about the right to protest, featuring 11 people whose lives have been negatively impacted by governments’ crackdown on this precious right.

The goal is to show that the public sees the violence and is not indifferent. Simple actions might improve the lives of the people under the threat of imprisonment or the death penalty.
How can you participate?
Just come to cafe Pritličje on Thursday 8th of December and write a short letter. Then Amnesty International will collect them and send to the right addresses.
On the evenings of the 7th and 8th of December, you can also write your letter in the Zavod Bob youth centre.

On the evenings of the 7th and 8th of December, you can also write your letter in the Zavod Bob youth centre.
Too good to be true?
You can see some of the results of marathons in previous years here: https://www.amnesty.org.au/20-years-of-write-for-rights…/

Let‘s show that we care about human rights! 

Ali kdaj razmišljate o tem, da bi pomagali drugim ljudem, ki trpijo, ampak se zdi nemogoče, ker so v različnih državah ali celinah? 
Potem imamo nasvet za vas: pridružite se dogodku Pišem za pravice.

Potem imamo nasvet za vas: pridružite se dogodku Pišem za pravice.
Udeležba je preprosta, a lahko vpliva na tiste, ki potrebujejo vašo pomoč.
Kako dogodek deluje?
Preprosto pridite, spijte kavo ali čaj s prijatelji in napišite kratko pismo v imenu nekoga, ki so mu kršene človekove pravice. Letošnji globalni maraton pisanja pisem v organizaciji Amnesty International je posvečen pravici do protesta, ki vključuje 11 ljudi ali skupin ljudi, katerih življenja so prizadela dejanja vlad, ki kršijo to pravico.
Tukaj lahko izveste njihove zgodbe: https://www.amnesty.si/pisem-za-pravice-22-vse-peticije

Cilj je pokazati, da javnost vidi nasilje in ni ravnodušna. Preprosta dejanja bi lahko izboljšala življenja ljudi, ki jim grozi zapor ali smrtna kazen.
Kako se pridružiti?
V četrtek, 8. decembra, pridite v kavarno Pritličje in napišite kratko pismo. Nato jih bo Amnesty International zbrala in poslala na prave naslove.
V četrtek, 8. decembra, pridite v kavarno Pritličje in napišite kratko pismo. Nato jih bo Amnesty International zbrala in poslala na prave naslove.
7. in 8. decembra zvečer lahko svoje pismo napišete tudi v mladinskem centru Zavod Bob.
Predobro, da bi bilo res?
Nekaj rezultatov maratonov v prejšnjih letih si lahko ogledate tukaj: https://www.amnesty.org.au/20-years-of-write-for-rights…/

Pokažimo, da nam ni vseeno za človekove pravice!