Obrazi Parade ponosa | Faces of Pride

13.12.2019 | 20:00

Otvoritev razstave “Obrazi Parade ponosa”

Društvo Parada ponosa vas vabi na razstavo, ki jo je organizirala Marta Torres, prostovoljka Evropske solidarnostne enote pri Društvu Parada ponosa. Na razstavi bodo prikazana najboljša dela fotografske ekipe Festivala Parada ponosa 2019 in njihove fotografije s paradnega dne.

S fotografinjo Mašo Gojić, odgovorno za ekipo, se je vsaki_emu članici_u pred začetkom festivala ponudila priložnost, da razvije in vadi svoje fotografske spretnosti. Paradni dan je preizkusil vse njihove spretnosti, s svojo frenetično energijo, nepredvidljivim ritmom in zahtevnimi vremenskimi razmerami.

Izbrane fotografije bodo pokazale, kakšne so perspektive vsake_ga fotografinje_a in kako so se odločile_i zajeti dan, vzdušje in pomen parade, predvsem pa, kaj pomeni Paradni dan za celotno LGBTIQ+ skupnost in njene članice_e, pa tudi katera čustva ta dogodek vzbuja v njih.

• Jani Klemenčič
• Marta Torres
• Martina Truta
• Maša Gojić
• Nika Vidnjevič
• Urša Čuk
• Veronika Černe

Organizacija razstave je bila mogoča zaradi prijaznega mentorstva Jasne Klančišar ter sodelovanja in podpore s strani Pritličja in Društva Parada ponosa.

Pridružite se nam na otvoritvi v Pritličju 13. decembra. Imele_i boste priložnost za pogovor s fotografi_njami, morda pa se najdete tudi na kateri od fotografij. Toplo vabljene_i!

“Faces of Pride”
Ljubljana Pride Association invites you to an exhibition organized by Marta Torres, European Solidarity Corps volunteer at Ljubljana Pride Association. The exhibition will showcase the best work from Pride’s Festival 2019 photography team and their photos during the Pride parade day.

With the photographer Maša Gojić responsible for the team, each member was offered the opportunity to develop and practice their photography skills before the festival started. The day of the parade put everyone’s skills to the test, with its frenetic energy, unpredictable rhythm, and challenging weather conditions.

The selected photos will show how the perspectives of each photographer and how they chose to capture the day, the atmosphere and the meaning of the parade, and, above all, what Pride day means to the whole LGBTIQ+ community and its members, as well as the emotions this event evokes in them.

The photographers:
• Jani Klemenčič
• Marta Torres
• Martina Truta
• Maša Gojić
• Nika Vidnjevič
• Urša Čuk
• Veronika Černe

The organization of the exhibition was made possible thanks to the kind mentorship by Jasna Klančišar and the cooperation and support with Pritličje and Ljubljana Pride Association.

Join us at the opening at Pritličje on the 13th of December. There will be an opportunity to talk to photographers and you can try to find yourself in any of the photos. Warmly invited!