Pre-StopTrik: Best of 2016

25.09.2017 | 19:00


Tokrat vas v Pritličje vabimo na projekcijo najboljših kratkih animiranih filmov iz šeste edicije StopTrik Festival.

Sedmo edicijo Mednarodnega filmskega festivala StopTrik, posvečeno stop motion animaciji in tematiki Latinske Amerike, pa boste med 5. in 8. oktobrom 2017 lahko obiskali v SALON UPORABNIH UMETNOSTI Maribor.

Vljudno vabljeni!
What Happens in Your Brain If You See a German Word Like…¿/ Kaj se zgodi v vaših možganih, če vidite nemško besedo, kot je …
Zora Rux (dffb German Film and Television Academy Berlin)
2015, GER, 5′

A surreal trip into the world of an extremely long German word.
Surrealno potovanje v svet izjemno dolgih nemških besed.

Datum Point/ Referenčna točka / 水準原点
Ryo Orikasa
2015, JAP, 6’41”

Yoshiro Ishihara (1915–1977), now remembered as a “poet of silence”, said: “A poem is an impulse to resist writing.” This film is an attempt to seek out the landscape of his poem.
Yoshiro Ishihara (1915-1977), ki se ga spominjamo pod imenom ”pesnik tišine”, je rekel: ”Pesem je pobuda, da se upremo pisanju.” Ta film poskuša iz njegove pesmi ustvariti pejsaž.

Kukuschka/ Kukuška /КУКУШКА
Dina Velikovskaya (“Pchela” Studio)
2016, RUS, 8’45”

Kukuschka is a bird who follows the sun. It seems as she can almost touch it, but the Sun is still far away. Suddenly she is not alone anymore, but for two it’s even more difficult to keep going so fast.
Kukuška je ptica, ki leti za soncem. Zdi se, kakor da se ga dotika, toda sonce je v resnici še vedno daleč stran. Nenadoma ni več sama, vendar dva še težje letita dovolj hitro kot pa en sam.

And If You’ll Come/ In če prideš/ Ve’Im Tavo
Tom Madar, Emlly Noy (Tom Madar)
2016, ISR, 4’52”

A woman is feeding her turtles with golden strings, which she spins from a river of ropes. One day the river erupts and she will have to fight for her and the turtles’ lives.
Ženska hrani svoje želve z zlatimi nitmi, ki jih prede iz reke vrvi. Nekega dne reka prestopi bregove in morala se bo boriti za svoje in življenje želv.

Heavy as Hill/ Težko kot hrib
Emily Neilson (Rhode Island School of Design)
2015, USA, 4’51”

A little girl and her mother deal with the stuff of youth, age, imagination and depression.
Majhna deklica in njena mati se spoprijemata z zadevami mladosti, starosti, domišljije in depresije.

The Falling Girl/ Padajoče dekle/ Девојката што паѓа
Vladimir Lukash (FlipBook Productions)
2015, MKD, 10’26”

A girl stands on top of a building, looking down at the city. She jumps. She falls with her eyes closed and eventually finds herself in a pond, surrounded by bizarre faces. The falling continues …
Dekle stoji na vrhu stavbe in gleda mesto pod seboj. Skoči. Pada z zaprtimi očmi in na sčasoma ugotovi, da je v ribniku, obdana z bizarnimi obrazi. Padec se nadaljuje …

The Sculpture of the Day/ Skulptura dneva/ Rzeźba Dnia
Monika Kuczyniecka (Universal Music Polska)
2015, POL, 3’30”

The music video, that shows a woman from various perspectives – her caprices, inner and outside beauty, her shadows and demons. Music: Renata Przemyk.
Glasbeni video, ki prikazuje žensko iz različnih vidikov – njene kaprice, notranjo in zunanjo lepoto, njene sence in demone. Glasba: Renata Przemyk.

Windows/ Okna
Angella Lipskaya (School Studio «Shar»)
2016, RUS, 7’40”

The absurd story about a life behind the windows.
Absurdna zgodba o življenju za okni.

Francisco Gusso, Pedro Giongo (Estudio Tijucas)
2015, BRA, 14′

After years of drought, a mystic potato sprouts in the remote springs of the Aiatak River. Soon, everything will be ready for the great ritual of Tango. Inspired by Franz Kafka’s “A Hunger Artist”.
Po letih suše vzklije mističen krompir v oddaljenih izvirih reke Aiatak. Kmalu bo vse pripravljeno za veliki ritual Tanga. Po navdihu kratke zgodbe Franza Kafke Gladovalec.

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