食品まつり a.k.a Foodman | opener: Tetsuo

27.04.2017 | 21:00

Foodman (Takahide Higuchi) je japonski glasbenik, ki zadnje desetletje ustvarja svojevrstno žanrsko zmešnjavo raznih footworkov, vib jukea in viž hiphoperske estetike. Inspiracijo najde v računalniskih igricah in robotskih zvokih, komponira pa jih na svobodno-improvizatorski jazzovski način.

V glavnem, zanimivo.

Za uvod in ogrevanje bo poskrbel Tetsuo, ki med drugim skrbi za oddajo Ḿ̹͎̝̟̜̞O̶͙͎̮͈̙D̵̻̠͔͈E͕͉͇̯M̩͖̟͈̀͟ͅ na Radiu Študent —

Kot eno najbolj zanimivih eksperimentalnih plat leta 2016 je “Ez Minzoku” prepoznal celo Pitchfork.

Za najboljši opis Foodmanove glasbe se je dobro obrniti na YouTube komentarje njegovega nastopa na BoilerRoom:

“what the hell? stop please” — Pure Class

“now i’ve seen everything” — YTFLAVA

“He must be deaf? 💩” — Haha Bee

“the fuck is this noise, next time tell who ever books artists to wait till after they’re done workin before candy flippin, holy fuckin christ, excuse me im going to kill my self, fiuck me” — AmIKawaiiYet?

“OK enough Internet for today ciao” – LilyEl

“The noodle visuals were good” — austnmonday

In se zanimivi odseki iz recenzij:

“The special form of footwork he makes transforms the quick pace of the genre into something that mimics the frenetic action of a human body. He deploys belching horns, bright drums, and distended samples that seem to come straight from the churning stomach of a massive whale.” —Pitchfork

“Ez Minzoku is a deeply fucked bit of voyeurism on our parts into the scribbled diary entries Takahide Higuchi has been slipping us over the past few years, only now we’re finding out that there was actually a code hidden all along in the spaces between the characters, the white paper stock a secret mosaic of smaller clues and gourdblowers adding up to the composite freakgod we call Foodman.” —Tiny Mix Tapes

// Dizajn coverja: Zoran Pungerčar
// Predprodaja vstopnic: 5eur @ Pritličje
// Na dan: 8eur

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