24.09.2016 | 21:00
Artis Mathematicae je zbirka šestih kratkih filmov, ki jih je John Sims ustvaril v obdobju desetih let. Zbrani filmi povezujejo področja vizualne matematike, umetnosti, poezije, glasbe, arhitekture, plesa, narave in celo ljubezni. Eden izmed njih, The Square of Love, je bil predstavljen na festivalu Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival. Tokratna predstavitev je posvečena življenju in delu Slavika Jablana in Paula Gerdesa.
John Sims iz Detroita, ZDA, je multimedijski konceptualni umetnik, ki združuje področja matematike, umetnosti, besedil, performansa ter medijske politične aktivnosti. Njegovi pomembnejši projekti slonijo na besednjaku matematičnih struktur, političnih in sakralnih simbolov ter na poeziji, kot poti do vizualnih umetnosti. Predaval in razstavljal je v ZDA in po svetu, njegova dela so bila objavljena v Art in America, Sculpture, Transition, FiberArts, NY Arts, Science News, CNN, NBC News, New York Times, Street Journal, Washington Post and the science journal Nature.
Artis Mathematicae A John Sims Film sodi v program 3. mednarodne konference o matematiki in umetnosti ESMA, ki jo od 21. – 25. septembra 2016 gostimo v Ljubljani (http://mathema.si/esma/).
Lokalna organizatorja konference:
Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko Univerza v Ljubljani
Mathema, Zavod za popularizacijo matematike iz Ljubljane
Glavni organizator konference:
ESMA, European Soceity for Mathematics and the Arts
Projekt Johna Simsa je podprlo Veleposlaništvo ZDA iz Ljubljane.
Artis Mathematicae A John Sims Film is a collection of six film shorts written and directed by the artist done over a 10 year period. These collected films present connections across the areas of visual mathematics, art, poetry, music, architecture, dance, nature and even love. One of the featured elements, The Square of Love short has been premiered at the Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival. This screening is dedicated to the life and work of both Slavik Jablan and Paulus Gerdes.
John Sims, a Detroit native, is a multi-media conceptual artist artist, creating projects spanning the areas of mathematics, art, text, performance and political-media activism. His main projects are informed by the vocabulary of mathematical structure, the politics of sacred symbols and poetry as ally to the visual arts. He has lectured and exhibited both nationally and internationally and his work has been featured in Art in America, Sculpture, Transition, FiberArts, NY Arts, Science News, CNN, NBC News, New York Times, USA Today, The Guardian, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and the science journal Nature.
The presentation comes under the 3rd International Conference of Mathematics and Art of the European Society for Mathematics and the Arts (ESMA), held from 21st – 25th September in Ljubljana (http://mathema.si/esma/).
The presentation is sponsored by the U.S. Embassy from Ljubljana.