17.12.2016 | 21:00
Elektro inštalacije 2.0 povezujejo nove zvočne napeljave, vrezujejo utore v obstoječe preperele vzorce, tkejo niti in tvorijo
zavezništva med različnimi identitetnimi skupinami znotraj elektronske glasbe ter širijo vidni spekter izvajalkam_cem in poslušalstvu.
V okviru serije se bo vrtela elektronska in eksperimentalna glasba že uveljavljenih, kot tistih manj uveljavljenih ženskih in trans producentk_ov s celotnega sveta, ki jih bodo v DJ sete zapakirale_i povabljene_i zvočne_i raziskovalke_ci.
R36 // Tetsuo // Blönduós
Electric Installations 2.0 connect new sound installations, cut grooves in the existing rotten samples, weave threads and
form alliances between and among different identity groups involved in electronic music as well as expand the visible spectrum of the performers and audiences.
Music played within the series will be electronic and experimental, both of well and less established women and trans producers from all around the world, packed in DJ sets by
invited sound researchers.
R36 // Tetsuo // Blönduós