20.08. – 22.08.2020 | Švicarija, Park Tivoli
Festival Grounded – festival elektronske glasbe, kritične misli in aktivizma
Solidarnost, odpravljanje neenakosti in sobivanje v različnosti predpostavljajo obstoj resnice, kot vrednoto javnega delovanja pa resnicoljubnost. V poresničnem svetu teh predpostavk ni več. Izmenjavo idej, ki temeljijo na obstoju razuma, vednosti in preverljivosti, nadomeščata zavajanje in laganje.
Tisti na položajih moči pogosto lažejo brez pravne ali druge družbene sankcije. V novosprejetem etičnem kodeksu poslancev na primer resnica, resnicoljubnost, izogibanje zavajanju, priznanje napak niso omenjene, določa pa, da mora biti poslanec na sejah parlamenta ter pri opravljanju mednarodne dejavnosti urejen primerno in dostojno svoji funkciji.
Mediji v lasti vladajoče stranke, okrepljeni s finančno podporo madžarskega avtoritarnega režima, lažejo o tistih, ki se jim upirajo. Socialna omrežja večajo doseg teorij zarot, obenem pa so platforme postavljene v vlogo razsodnikov resnice. Oblastniki javnost zavestno zavajajo in nekaznovano kršijo zakone, strokovnjake pa upoštevajo predvsem takrat, ko si od tega obetajo koristi.
Razpad resnice je povezan z vzponom novih tehnologij, ki pospešujejo pretok informacij, obenem pa relativizirajo dejstva in totalizirajo mnenja. Sicer omogočajo deljenje v preteklosti utišanih resnic posameznikov in skupnosti, ki tvorijo margine, a te resnice si prostor delijo v času, ki ga zaznamujejo erozija politične kulture, ignoranca, cinizem in prostaštvo.
Grounded je festival elektronske glasbe, kritične misli in aktivizma, ki naslavlja aktualna družbena vprašanja s povezovanjem navidez nezdružljivega: deinstitucionalizirane teoretske razprave, povsakdanjenja družbenega aktivizma ter progresivne klubske elektronske kulture. V razpravah, projekcijah, predstavitvah, glasbenih nastopih in druženjih, katerih vrednostna izhodišča so enakost ne glede na osebne okoliščine, solidarnost s šibkejšimi in avtonomija posameznika_ce, udeleženke_ci iščejo informirane, argumentirane in odgovorne odzive na izzive sedanjosti in prihodnosti. Prva izvedba festivala je bila leta 2015 na temo Avtonomija migracij, leta 2018 je bila tema Intima v času umetne inteligence, lani pa Avtomatizacija in oblast. Zaradi izjemnih okoliščin letos prvič festival ne bo novembra, ampak avgusta.
Več informacij tukaj: http://grounded.si
Solidarity, elimination of inequality and peaceful co-existence presuppose the existence of truth, and truthfulness as the value of public action. In the post-truth world, these assumptions no longer exist. The exchange of ideas based on the existence of reason, knowledge and verifiability is replaced by deceiving and lying.
Those in positions of power often lie without legal or other social sanction. For example, truth, truthfulness, avoidance of deception and acknowledgment of error are not mentioned in the newly adopted Code of Ethics for Members of Slovenian Parliament. The Code stipulates, however, that at parliamentary sessions and when executing international activities, an MoP must be neat and dignified.
The ruling party-owned media, strengthened by the financial support of the Hungarian authoritarian regime, spread lies about those who resist them. Social networks increase the reach of conspiracy theories, while platforms are placed in the role of arbiters of truth. The authorities are deliberately misleading the public and violating the law with impunity, and they take experts into account mainly when they expect to benefit from it.
The disintegration of truth is associated with the rise of new technologies that accelerate the flow of information while relativizing facts and totalizing opinions. While they enable the sharing of truths of individuals and communities that form margins, these truths share space in a time marked by the erosion of political culture, ignorance, cynicism and vulgarity.
Grounded is a festival of electronic music, critical thinking and activism that addresses current social issues by combining the seemingly incompatible: deinstitutionalised theoretical debates, every day social activism and progressive electronic club culture. Through debates, projections, presentations, music performances and hangouts – the baselines of which are equality irrespective of personal circumstances, solidarity with the weak and the autonomy to govern your own fate – the participants seek relevant, eligible and responsible answers to the contemporary challenges. The first edition of the festival was held in 2015 we talked about Autonomy of migration, in 2018 about Intimacy in the age of artificial intelligence and last year about Automation and Power. Due to exceptional circumstances for the first time the festivals will not be held in November, but in August.
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