Festival Grounded 2021 | 18. – 20. 8. | DRŽAVA # THE STATE



Grounded je festival elektronske glasbe, kritične misli in aktivizma, ki naslavlja aktualna družbena vprašanja s povezovanjem navidez nezdružljivega: deinstitucionalizirane teoretske razprave, povsakdanjenja družbenega aktivizma ter progresivne klubske elektronske kulture. V razpravah, projekcijah, predstavitvah, glasbenih nastopih in druženjih, katerih vrednostna izhodišča so enakost ne glede na osebne okoliščine, solidarnost s šibkejšimi in avtonomija posameznika_ce, udeleženke_ci iščejo informirane, argumentirane in odgovorne odzive na izzive sedanjosti in prihodnosti.
Prva izvedba festivala je bila leta 2015 na temo Avtonomija migracij, leta 2018 je bila tema Intima v času umetne inteligence, leta 2019 Avtomatizacija in oblast in lani (2020) Resnica. > www.grounded.si

Karkoli že počne današnji človek, se neizogibno sreča z državo in njenimi institucijami, ki ga skozi življenje spremljajo in mu korak za korakom podeljujejo in/ali odrekajo pravice.
Država je pojem več definicij in še več konotacij. Nekaterim predstavlja osrednje polje boja za boljši svet. Drugi bi jo ukinili ali pa jo vsaj naredili bolj »vitko«. Po eni strani je država sredstvo političnega delovanja, določanja življenja človeka v (politični) skupnosti, po drugi strani pa nič drugega kot birokratski mastodont, ki podeljuje in briše pravice in statuse in odloča, katero življenje je vredno in koliko, zatira človeško spontanost in veselje do življenja.
Ko mislimo državo, ne gre spregledati opozorila Georgea Orwella, da vsaka relevantna refleksija vključuje kontinuirano spremljanje tistega, kar se dogaja »pred našim nosom« – zato se ob tridesetletnici obstoja oziramo na slovensko državo. Ta je nastala v času, ko je kapital že dodobra omajal suverenost držav in med njimi zanetil tekmo proti dnu. Tako so države že skoraj pol stoletja ponižane v dekle trga, njihova izvršilna moč pa je zmanjšana v kontekstu brezobzirne globalizacije.
Po tridesetih letih se »pred našim nosom« odvija razpad skupnega. Privatizacija socialne države, razpad prostorskega urejanja, erozija pravne in politične kulture, ignoranca oblasti do zelenih politik in volje ljudi. Trg ne rešuje, temveč nasprotno, zmanjšuje kakovost življenja; tržna načela v zdravstvu, izobraževanju, znanosti, kulturi itd. so zanesljiva pot v razpad družbenih vezi.
Država je celota institucij, institucija pa je okamnela medčloveška interakcija. Zato bomo skladno s »pesimizmom intelekta in optimizmom volje« iskali alternative, kako zapeljati interakcije v drugačno smer.
Več informacij kmalu.
No matter what an individual does, they are involved with the state and its institutions, and their life is shaped by the rights the states does or does not grant them.
State is a concept of many definitions and even more connotations. To some, it represents a central battleground for a better world. Others would abolish it, or at least make it more “slim”. On the one hand, the state is a space of political action, necessary for human life in a (political) community, and on the other hand, nothing more than a bureaucratic mastodon that grants and erases rights and statuses,decides which life has worth and how much is that worth, suppresses human spontaneity and joy to life.
When we think about the state, we should not overlook George Orwell’s warning that every relevant reflection includes continuous monitoring of what is happening “in front of our nose”. This is why we are looking at the Slovenian state at its thirtieth anniversary of existence. It was created at a time when capital was already eroding the sovereignty of countries and igniting a race to the bottom between the two. Thus, states have been humiliated into a servant of the market for almost half a century, while their executive power is diminished in the context of reckless globalization.
After thirty years, the disintegration of the commons is taking place in front of our nose. Privatization of the welfare state, disintegration of spatial planning, erosion of legal and political culture, ignorance of the authorities towards green policies and the will of the people. The market does not save, but on the contrary, it reduces the quality of life; market principles in health, education, science, culture, etc. are a sure path to the breakdown of social ties.
The state is a collection of institutions, and institution are a rigid reflection of interpersonal interactions. Therefore, in accordance with the “pessimism of the intellect and the optimism of the will”, we will look for alternatives to guide our interactions in a different direction.
Grounded is a festival of electronic music, critical thinking and activism, that addresses current social issues by combining the seemingly incompatible: deinstitutionalised theoretical debates, everyday social activism and progressive electronic club culture. Through debates, projections, presentations, music performances and hangouts – the baselines of which are equality irrespective of personal circumstances, solidarity with the weak and the autonomy to govern your own fate – the participants seek relevant, eligible and responsible answers to the contemporary challenges.
The first edition of the festival was held in 2015 with the theme Autonomy of migration. Theme in 2018 was Intimacy in the age of artificial intelligence, in 2019 Automation and Power and last year’s theme was Truth.
This year’s theme is The State.
More info TBA.
Design: Luka Grčar