03.12.2015 | 12:00
Grounded je festival elektronske glasbe, kritične misli in aktivizma, ki naslavlja aktualna družbena vprašanja s povezovanjem navidez nezdružljivega: deinstitucionalizirane teoretske razprave, povsakdanjenja družbenega aktivizma ter progresivne klubske elektronske kulture. V razpravah, projekcijah, predstavitvah, glasbenih nastopih in druženjih, katerih vrednostna izhodišča so enakost ne glede na osebne okoliščine, solidarnost s šibkejšimi in avtonomija odločati o svoji usodi, udeleženci in udeleženke iščejo informirane, argumentirane in odgovorne odzive na aktualne izzive sodobnosti. Festival, ki ga pripravljamo v sodelovanju s sorodnimi civilnimi iniciativami, je obenem zgoščen presek našega enoletnega delovanja.
Avtonomija migracij pomeni videti mobilnost kot primarno in konstitutivno silo družbenega življenja. Migranti in migrantke se preseljujejo ne glede na nadzor in omejitve, čeprav ukrepi nadzora brutalno zaznamujejo in zaustavljajo ljudi tako na mejah kot v notranjosti ciljnih držav.
Migracije so večsmerno gibanje, ki nas sili v premišljanje antagonizmov, ki že bivajo v vsaki družbi; migracije nam obstoječe antagonizme zgolj pomagajo bolje videti. Migracijski procesi porajajo nove oblike družbenosti, od novih produkcijskih oblik, državljanskih pobud, bojev v fizičnem in digitalnem prostoru, politične organiziranosti, skupnostne skrbi, pa tudi zahtev po redefiniciji socialnih in političnih sistemov.
Zato države morajo spremeniti restriktivne migracijske režime, samoorganizirane skupine, nevladne organizacije in lokalne skupnosti pa morajo glasnim zahtevam migrantov in migrantk pristaviti zvočnike in mikrofone. V teh procesih GROUNDED FESTIVAL državi drži ogledalo, mikrofonom in zvočnikom pa prislanja ušesa.
Grounded is a festival of electronic music, critical thinking and activism that addresses current social issues by combining the seemingly incompatible: deinstitutionalized theoretical debates, every day social activism and progressive electronic club culture. Via debates, projections, presentations, music performances and hangouts – the baselines of which are equality irrespective of personal circumstances, solidarity with the weak and the autonomy to govern your own fate – the participants seek relevant, eligible and responsible responses to the contemporary challenges of current times.
The festival, which is organized in collaboration with similar civil initiatives, is also a condensed cross-section of our one-year operation.
Autonomy of migration means seeing mobility as a primary and constitutive force of social life. Migrants are moving regardless of the controls and limits, although the measures of control brutally mark and stop people both at borders and in the territory of the target countries.
Migration is an omni-directional movement, that forces us to think of antagonisms that already reside in our societies; migration just allows us to better see the existing antagonisms. Migration processes are new forms of sociality, from the new production forms, citizens’ initiatives, struggles in the physical and digital space, political organization, community care, to the requirements for the redefinition of social and political systems.
Therefore, states must change the restrictive migration regimes, self-organized groups, NGOs and local communities must close the speakers and microphones to migrants. In these processes GROUNDED FESTIVAL holds a mirror to the state and leans ears to the microphones and speakers.
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