30.01.2025 | 18: 00
V okviru mednarodnega dneva spomina na holokavst 2025, Združenje EPEKA, so. p., organizira predavanje romskega strokovnjaka Isaaca Blakea na temo Arhiv govorjene zgodovine LGBTQ+ skupnosti Romov.
Namen arhiva je dati glas pomembnim, fascinantnim in pogosto ganljivim zgodbam, ki jih pripovedujejo pripadniki globalne skupine pripadnikov LGBTQ+ romske skupnosti ter poudariti dragocene vloge, ki jih imajo ti posamezniki v bogati kompleksnosti življenja Romov.
Rezultat je dinamičen vir, ki ne le dokumentira in arhivira, temveč tudi slavi presečno dediščino, kulturo in izkušnje LGBTQ+ Romov po vsem svetu.
Ta aktualni projekt razkriva pogosto skrite LGBTQ+ zgodbe, ki jih člani naše skupnosti nosijo s seboj, hkrati pa ponuja boljši vpogled v širše izkušnje Romov.
Isaac Blake se je rodil v Bromsgrovu, odraščal pa je na lokacijah za Rome in potujoče v Angliji in Walesu.
Študiral in se izpopolnjeval v plesnem gledališču na plesnem centru LABAN (zdaj Trinity LABAN Conservatoire of Music & Dance v Londonu).
Nato je študiral na šoli Martha Graham v New Yorku, delal v Montrealu v Kanadi in se vrnil v Wales, kjer je bil koreograf predstav v Wales Millennium Centre, Riverside Arts Centre (Newport) in Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama. Na RWCM&D še vedno poučuje priljubljeni tečaj gibanja in plesa (od leta 2009 do leta 2023).
Je ponosen romski gej in trenutno izvršni direktor Romani Cultural & Arts Company v Cardiffu v Združenem kraljestvu, organizacije, ki jo financirajo številni veliki donatorji, vladni oddelki in britanske dobrodelne organizacije (kot so National Lottery Community Fund, Arts Council of Wales, Welsh Government).
Kot izvršni direktor Romani Cultural & Arts Company (RCAC) je Isaac razvijal umetniške in uprizoritvene programe s skupnostmi v ciganskih in potujočih prikolicah, vključeval je mlade otroke in odrasle ter delal v šolah, fakultetah in vrtcih. Romani Cultural & Arts Company je spodbujala umetnost in kulturo kot sredstvo za krepitev moči in zagovorništvo v Walesu pri Ciganih, Romih in potujočih.
Veliko je sodeloval z neromskimi skupnostmi, da bi spodbujal dialog in socialno kohezijo. Pod njegovim vodstvom in upravljanjem RCAC je organizacija zrasla iz majhne prostovoljne skupine v veliko agencijo tretjega sektorja (nevladno organizacijo), ki je vodilna na področju Romov in potujočih oseb v Walesu ter eden glavnih akterjev na področju zagovorništva Romov in potujočih oseb, avtonomije in samoodločanja v Združenem kraljestvu.
Isaac je bil tudi kurator za ples, ki je vodil skupino akademikov in raziskovalcev pri zbiranju predmetov in artefaktov za zelo cenjeno plesno sekcijo RomArchiva(https://romarchive.eu). Njegovo vodenje sekcije je zagotovilo izvedbo projekta z različnimi romskimi glasovi iz različnih držav.
Isaac je imel pomembno vlogo pri podpiranju pravic LGBTQI, Romov in Popotnikov v Združenem kraljestvu, Evropi in drugod. Isaac je podpiral posameznike LGBTQI, Rome in potujoče osebe pri udeležbi na mednarodnih dogodkih, osebno pa se je teh dogodkov udeležil kot zagovornik in predstavnik svoje skupnosti ter pozitivno spodbujal priznavanje in spoštovanje LGBTQI.
Pred kratkim je Isaac koordiniral in pripravil prvi mednarodni arhiv govorjene zgodovine LGBTQI GRT, hkrati pa je objavil povezano e-knjigo, ki dopolnjuje spletni arhiv (glej https://romaniarts.co.uk). Isaac je tudi član več odborov in forumov, ki si prizadevajo za spodbujanje enakosti v Združenem kraljestvu in Evropi. Akademija Barvalipe je na primer organ za določanje agende in strateško telo inštituta, ki ima svetovalno in navdihujočo vlogo, da bi izpolnil cilje ERIAC. Akademijo Barvalipe sestavlja 15 članov – visoko cenjenih in javno priznanih posameznikov, ki so pristojni za področja, ki jih pokrivajo dejavnosti ERIAC. Dve tretjini članov akademije morata odkrito prijaviti svojo romsko narodnost, s čimer se spoštuje raznolikost med romskimi skupnostmi. Zagotoviti je treba uravnoteženo zastopanost spolov. https://eriac.org/barvalipe…/barvalipe-academy-members/
Več o epeka@epeka.si in www.epeka.si
Lecture of Roma expert Isaac Blake: Gypsy, Roma & Traveller LGBTQ+ Spoken History Archive
30th January 2025 at 6 pm
Pritličje, Mestni trg 2, Ljubljana, Slovenia, EU
In the framework of the International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2025, the Association EPEKA, Soc.Ent. is organising a lecture by a Romani expert Isaac Blake on the topic of the Gypsy, Roma & Traveller LGBTQ+ Spoken History Archive.
The aim of the archive is to give voice to the important, fascinating and often moving stories told by members of the global GRT LGBTQ+
community, and to highlight the valuable roles that these individuals play in the rich complexity of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller life.
The result is a dynamic resource that not only documents and archives but also celebrates the intersectional heritage, culture and experiences of LGBTQ+ Gypsies, Roma & Travellers across the world.
This timely project uncovers the often hidden LGBTQ+ stories that our community members carry with them whilst at the same time offering greater insight into the wider Gypsy, Roma and Traveller experience.
community, and to highlight the valuable roles that these individuals play in the rich complexity of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller life.
The result is a dynamic resource that not only documents and archives but also celebrates the intersectional heritage, culture and experiences of LGBTQ+ Gypsies, Roma & Travellers across the world.
This timely project uncovers the often hidden LGBTQ+ stories that our community members carry with them whilst at the same time offering greater insight into the wider Gypsy, Roma and Traveller experience.
Isaac Blake was born in Bromsgrove and grew up on Gypsy and Traveller sites in England and Wales.
He studied and trained dance theatre at the LABAN Dance Centre (now the Trinity LABAN Conservatoire of Music & Dance in London).
He went on to study at the Martha Graham School in New York, before working in Montreal, Canada and returning to Wales where he was choreographer for performances at the Wales Millennium Centre, Riverside Arts Centre (Newport) and the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama. He continues to teach a popular movement and dance course at the RWCM&D (2009 to the 2023).
He is a proud Gay Romany Gypsy and is currently Executive Director of the Romani Cultural & Arts Company in Cardiff, UK, an organisation funded by a variety of major donors, government departments and UK charities (such as the National Lottery Community Fund, Arts Council of Wales, Welsh Government).
As Executive Director at the Romani Cultural & Arts Company (RCAC), Isaac has developed arts and performance programmes with communities on Gypsy and Traveller caravan sites, involving young children and adults, worked in schools, colleges, and preschools. Romani Cultural & Arts Company has promoted arts and culture as a medium for empowerment and advocacy throughout Wales with Gypsy, Roma and Travellers.
He has engaged widely with non- Gypsy communities to promote dialogue and social cohesion. His leadership and management of the RCAC has seen the organisation grow from a small voluntary group to a major third sector (NGO) agency that leads the Romani and Traveller field in Wales, and is one of the major players in Romani and Traveller advocacy, autonomy and self–determination in the UK.
Isaac has also been a Dance Curator, leading a team of academics and researchers in collating items and artefacts for the highly-regarded RomArchive’s Dance Section (https://romarchive.eu). His leadership of the Section ensured the delivery of the project from a diversity of Romani voices, from differing countries.
Isaac has been instrumental in supporting LGBTQI Gypsy, Roma, Traveller rights in UK, Europe and beyond. Isaac has supported LGBTQI Gypsy, Roma, and Travellers individuals to attend international events, and Isaac has personally attended such events as advocate and representative of his community, positively promoting LGBTQI recognition and respect.
Recently, Isaac co-ordinated and produced the first international LGBTQI GRT spoken history archive, whilst publishing a linked e-book to complement the online archive (see https://romaniarts.co.uk). Isaac is also a member of several boards and forums that work to promote equality in the UK and Europe. For instance, The Barvalipe Academy is the agenda-setting and strategic body of the Institute which has an advisory and inspirational role, in order to fulfill ERIAC’s objectives. Barvalipe is composed of 15 members – highly regarded, publicly acknowledged individuals, with competencies in the areas covered by ERIAC activities. Two thirds of the Academy members must openly declare their Romani ethnicity, respecting the diversity among the Romani communities. Gender balance must be ensured. https://eriac.org/barvalipe…/barvalipe-academy-members/
More about epeka@epeka.si and www.epeka.si
Znanstveno raziskovalno združenje za umetnost, kulturne in izobraževalne
programe in tehnologijo EPEKA, socialno podjetje
Združenje EPEKA, so.p.
Scientific and Research Association for Art, Cultural and Educational
Programmes and Technology EPEKA, Social Enterprise
Association EPEKA, Soc. Ent.
Gorkega ulica 34, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija, EU
e-mail: epeka@epeka.si
URL: http://www.epeka.si www.romani-kafenava.si
www.facebook.com/epeka.slovenia / www.facebook.com/romanikafenava
skype: epekaepeka
instagram: epeka_slovenia
Znanstveno raziskovalno združenje za umetnost, kulturne in izobraževalne
programe in tehnologijo EPEKA, socialno podjetje
Združenje EPEKA, so.p.
Scientific and Research Association for Art, Cultural and Educational
Programmes and Technology EPEKA, Social Enterprise
Association EPEKA, Soc. Ent.
Gorkega ulica 34, 2000 Maribor, Slovenija, EU
e-mail: epeka@epeka.si
URL: http://www.epeka.si www.romani-kafenava.si
www.facebook.com/epeka.slovenia / www.facebook.com/romanikafenava
skype: epekaepeka
instagram: epeka_slovenia