12.06.2019 | 19:00
O prakticiranju neseksistične kulture
Predstavitev bo posvečena strategijam, s katerimi različni kolektivi in organizacije naslavljajo in presegajo seksistične prakse. Gostje_i iz različnih okolij bodo predstavile_i, kako ustvarjajo feministične kulture znotraj svojega dela, in katera orodja, strategije in viri so jim pri tem v pomoč.
Svoje neseksitične prakse nam bodo med drugim predstavile_i Spol.si, TransAkcija, Improške, Rdeče zore in Kvartir.
(Dogodek bo v slovenskem jeziku.)
Presenting non-sexist culture practices
This public space will explore ways in which different collectives and organisations address and overcome sexist practices. We will get to know how they contribute to a feminist culture within their scope of action. We will create an open space in which guests from different backgrounds will share their tools, strategies, and materials with the public.
We will explore the non-sexist practices of: Spol.si, Zavod TransAkcija, ImproŠke, Rdeče zore / Red Dawns, Kvartir, and others.
(Event will be held in Slovenian language)
Celoten program Festivala Parada ponosa 2019