Pogovor | Ohranjanje palestinske kulturne dediščine v času genocida

05.11.2024 | 18:00
/English follows/
V enem letu trajajočega genocida je Izrael v Gazi pobil več kot 42.000 ljudi. Z uničenjem celotnih družin in generacij, Izrael briše tudi kolektivni spomin in dediščino. Z nenehnim bombardiranjem Gaze je Izrael uničil muzeje, knjižnice in arhive, v katerih je živela palestinska zgodovina, tradicija in vrednote palestinske skupnosti.
Cilj je totalni izbris kulturnega življenja v Gazi.
Letošnjo Kulturno ambasado Palestine, ki bo v letu 2024 potekala že 13. leto, bomo posvetili kulturnemu genocidu, pa tudi načinih ohranjanja palestinske kulturne dediščine v času genocida.
Pogovor z Majdom Nasrallah, političnim aktivistom, kulturnim delavcem, raziskovalcem in kustosom ter Fareedom Taamalah (preko spleta), novinarjem, kmetovalcem in okoljskim aktivistom iz Ramale.
Z njima se bomo pogovarjali o izraelskem uničevanju palestinske kulturne dediščine v času genocida in načinih njenega ohranjanja.
Pogovor bo povezovala Kristina Božič. Potekal bo v angleškem jeziku.

In one year of genocide, Israel has killed more than 42,000 people in Gaza.
By destroying entire families and generations, Israel is also erasing collective memory and heritage. Through its constant bombardment of Gaza, Israel has destroyed museums, libraries and archives integral to the Palestinian history, traditions and values of the Palestinian community. The aim is to deliberately target and obliterate the foundations of cultural life in Gaza.
This year’s 13th edition of the Cultural Embassy of Palestine is dedicated to the resistance of the Palestinian people in the face of the systematic attempts of Israel to wipe out their cultural heritage.
Preserving the Palestinian cultural heritage during genocide.
A conversation with Majd Nasrallah, cultural practitioner, community organiser, researcher and curator and Fareed Taamallah, journalist, farmer and political and environmental activist who will join us online. We will discuss Israel’s ongoing attempt to erase the Palestinian cultural heritage and the ways in which this is being resisted by the Palestinian people.
The event will be chaired by the journalist Kristina Božič. In English.