11.11.2021 | 20:00
[ENG below]
Pritličje in kolektiv Nimaš Izbire pripravljajomo pre-apokaliptično glasbeno seanso posvečeno gibanju mladega internetnega podtalja. V primeru da se družbeno življenje pred večerom ponovno ne ustavi, iz evropske ture v goste prihaja Adaa, v ZDA stanujoč_a producent_ka konceptualne hypersaturirane elektronike na preseku hyperpopa in dekonstruiranega zvoka. Za ogrevanje srkbi NinaBelle, polivica domače eksperimentalne elektronske zasedbe Warrego Valles, za after pa back2back brezizbirnih ezoteričnih selektorjev Bkklj in Gab198. Držimo pesti, da se ga!
Pritličje in kolektiv Nimaš Izbire pripravljajomo pre-apokaliptično glasbeno seanso posvečeno gibanju mladega internetnega podtalja. V primeru da se družbeno življenje pred večerom ponovno ne ustavi, iz evropske ture v goste prihaja Adaa, v ZDA stanujoč_a producent_ka konceptualne hypersaturirane elektronike na preseku hyperpopa in dekonstruiranega zvoka. Za ogrevanje srkbi NinaBelle, polivica domače eksperimentalne elektronske zasedbe Warrego Valles, za after pa back2back brezizbirnih ezoteričnih selektorjev Bkklj in Gab198. Držimo pesti, da se ga!

Adaa live (USA)
NinaBelle (Warrego Valles)
Bkklj btb Gab198 (Nimaš Izbire)
Cover & live VJing by Knnz
Adaa live (USA)
NinaBelle (Warrego Valles)
Bkklj btb Gab198 (Nimaš Izbire)
Cover & live VJing by Knnz
Music policy: deconstructed, hyperpop, experimental electronic, ambient, internet…
Pritličje and the Nimaš Izbire collective are setting up a pre-appocaliptic musical session dedicated to the young internet underground movement. In the case social life won’t be halted before the evening, we will be hosting the live performance of Adaa: an USA-based producer of hypersaturated electronic music on the intersection of hyperpop and deconstructed sound. NinaBelle, half of the local experimental electronic duo Warrego Valles will take care of the warm-up, while the resident Nimaš Izbire esoteric selectors Bkklj back2back Gab198 will play after.
Pritličje and the Nimaš Izbire collective are setting up a pre-appocaliptic musical session dedicated to the young internet underground movement. In the case social life won’t be halted before the evening, we will be hosting the live performance of Adaa: an USA-based producer of hypersaturated electronic music on the intersection of hyperpop and deconstructed sound. NinaBelle, half of the local experimental electronic duo Warrego Valles will take care of the warm-up, while the resident Nimaš Izbire esoteric selectors Bkklj back2back Gab198 will play after.
Obveyni PCT pogoj / mandatory recovered/vaccinated/tested certificate
Za vsa vprasanja / For all questions: nimas.izbire@gmail.com