18.02.2019 | 19:00
V zadnjih osmih letih je Sirija ena od najbolj vročih tem, o kateri se je v govorilo v medijih, predvsem zaradi vojne. Morda je svet pozabil, da je Sirija ena najstarejših držav na svetu in da je njena prestolnica Damask najstarejša naseljena prestolnica na svetu. S svojo veličastno starodavno zgodovino, izjemno arhitekturo in okusno hrano je res zanimiva destinacija za raziskovanje. Vabimo vas na večer s predstavitvijo sirske kulturne dediščine, turističnih in arhitekturnih znamenitosti, tradicionalne glasbe, sirskega gospodarstva in zgodovine obdobij.
Sirijo vam bodo predstavili Abood, Mohamed, Samer, Alaa in Mhd, sirski fantje, ki živijo, študirajo in delajo v Sloveniji.
Predavanje bo potekalo v angleškem jeziku.
For the past 8 years Syria was and still is one of the hottest topics to talk about in the media due to a war zone. Maybe the world has forgotten that Syria is one of the oldest countries in the world and its capital Damascus is the oldest inhabited capital in the world. With its majestic ancient history, exceptional architecture and delicious food is indeed an interesting destination for exploration. We invite you to an evening with a presentation of the Syrian cultural heritage, tourist and architectural sights, traditional music, Syrian economy, and history of eras.
The presentation will be held by Abood, Mohamed, Samer, Alaa and Mhd, Syrian guys who are living, studying and working in Slovenia.
The lecture will be held in English language.