27.09.2023 ǀ 18:00
Pritličje in Oddelek za etnologijo in kulturno antropologijo Filozofske fakultete v Ljubljani vabita na okroglo mizo Smrti na mejah – v Alpah in na Balkanu, ki bo v sredo, 27. septembra 2023 ob 18h v Pritličju (Mestni trg 2, Ljubljana).
Zaradi evropske migracijske politike je za ljudi, ki veljajo za ‘nezaželene’, prehajanje mej v Alpah in na Balkanu postalo vse bolj težavno, nevarno in včasih smrtonosno. V Evropi se tako množi število smrti na mejah oziroma smrti zaradi mej, obenem pa se množi število neznanih, neoznačenih grobov in število svojcev, ki ne vedo, ali so njihovi bližnji živi ali mrtvi.
Na okrogli mizi, na kateri bodo sodelovali Cristina del Biaggio, Marjana Hameršak in Samer Arkawi, se bomo ukvarjali z vprašanji: kdo umira na evropskih kopenskih mejah in kje se dogajajo njihove smrti? Kateri so glavni razlogi zanje? Kakšni so posmrtni postopki in kaj se zgodi s trupli preminulih? Zakaj so te smrti še vedno tako nevidne in kakšni so načini, da bi jih javno obeležili? Okroglo mizo bo povezovala Uršula Lipovec Čebron.
Cristina del Biaggio je docentka za geografijo na Univerzi Grenoble Alps in sodeluje z raziskovalnim laboratorijem Pacte. V svojih nedavnih raziskavah se osredotoča na poti migrantov, ki skušajo prečkati meje v Alpah, zlasti pa na usodne posledice povečanega nadzora na mejah v alpskem prostoru. Na to temo je napisala več člankov in souredila posebno številko časopisa Journal of Alpine Research / Revue de géographie alpine z naslovom Refugiées et montagne / Refugees and Mountain (glej https://journals.openedition.org/rga/7267).
Marijana Hameršak je koordinatorica mednarodnega raziskovalnega projekta Evropski režim iregulariziranih migracij na periferiji EU (ERIM), znanstvena svetnica na Inštitutu za etnologijo in folkloristiko (Zagreb, Hrvaška) ter docentka na Univerzi v Zagrebu. Poleg drugih raziskav v zadnjem času raziskuje in piše o smrti na evropskih kopenskih mejah, predvsem na Balkanu (glej https://e-erim.ief.hr/pojam/p-border-deaths-p?locale=hr).
Samer Arkawi je aktivist in begunec, ki trenutno dela na področju upravljanja dobavnih verig. Kot magistrski študent na Fakulteti za družbene vede v Ljubljani trenutno piše magistrsko nalogo o avtonomiji migracij, obenem pa je avtor videoposnetkov o migracijah, kot so: Brez doma, Ljubo doma in Pushbacks on the Balkan route (glej https://youtu.be/e4hGXyqzrVU?si=AIkFa4f-snebsMyB).
Pritličje and Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana are inviting to a round table “Death on Borders – in the Alps and in the Balkan” on Wednesday, September 27th 2023 at 6 pm in Pritličje (Mestni trg 2, Ljubljana).
European migration policies have made crossing the Alpine and Balkan borders increasingly difficult, dangerous, and sometimes fatal for people considered ‘undesirable’. In Europe we are thus witnessing an increase in the number of deaths at borders, or deaths caused by borders, but also an increase in the number of unknown, unmarked graves and in the number of relatives who do not know whether their loved ones are alive or dead.
The roundtable with Cristina del Biaggio, Marjana Hameršak and Samer Arkawi will address the following questions: who is dying at European land borders and where are their deaths taking place? What are the main reasons for these deaths? What are the postmortem procedures and what happens to the bodies of the deceased? Why are these deaths still so invisible and what are the ways to publicly commemorate them? The roundtable will be moderated by Uršula Lipovec Čebron.
Cristina del Biaggio is an assistant professor in geography at the Université Grenoble Alps and is affiliated with the Pacte research laboratory. Presently, her research focuses on the journeys of migrants as they try to cross the Alpine borders, and more particularly on the fatal consequences on increased border controls in the Alpine region. She has written a number on articles on this topic and co-edited a special issue of the Journal of Alpine Research / Revue de géographie alpine entitled Refugiées et montagne / Refugees and Mountain (see https://journals.openedition.org/rga/7267).
Marijana Hameršak is the coordinator of the international research project The European Irregularized Migration Regime at the Periphery of the EU (ERIM) and a research advisor at the Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Research (Zagreb, Croatia) and a titular assistant professor at the University of Zagreb. Recently, she has been researching and writing about European land border deaths, especially in the Balkans (see https://e-erim.ief.hr/pojam/p-border-deaths-p?locale=hr).
Samer Arkawi is an activist and refugee, currently working in supply chain management. As a master student at the Faculty of Social Sciences in Ljubljana he is currently writing his master thesis on the autonomy of migration. Samer Arkawi is also the author of videos on migration such as Without home, Ljubo doma and Pushbacks on the Balkan route (see https://youtu.be/e4hGXyqzrVU?si=AIkFa4f-snebsMyB).