29.05.2019 | 18:00
V sredo, 29. maja, ob 18.00 vas vabimo na dogodek Stol v javnem prostoru, na katerem bomo predstavili Ljubljansko klop.
Veste, kako je nastala klop, na kateri vsak dan čakate na avtobus ali prijatelja na Poti spominov in tovarištva? Kje vse stoji in zakaj je takšna, kot je? Katero sedišče, klop ali stol, je tisto, ki je brez omejitev na voljo vsem uporabnikom mesta?
Na dogodku bomo po kratkih refleksijah na temo sedenja v javnem prostoru podrobno predstavili zmagovalno rešitev za oblikovanje klopi na natečaju leta 2010 (natečaj sta organizirala Mestna občina Ljubljana in Društvo oblikovalcev Slovenije), ki je v teh letih nadomestila več kot 300 klopi v mestu. Predstavitev bo osvetlila izvor klopi oziroma stola, ki je vsem Ljubljančanom in Ljubljančankam najbolj skupen in dostopen, a hkrati o njem ne vedo veliko.
Za uvod bodo o temi stola v javnem prostoru v kratkih 5-minutnih refleksijah razpravljali trije predavatelji iz tujine (filozofinja, arhitekt in gledališčnica), glavno mesto pa namenjamo predstavitvi mladih arhitektov in krajinskih arhitektov, ki so leta 2010 zmagali na natečaju za oblikovanje klopi na območju Mestne občine Ljubljana (Mojca Rupnik, Denis Rovan, Katja Saje, Sergej Hiti).
Gostje: Katja Saje in Denis Rovan (soavtorja zmagovalne rešitve Ljubljanska klop), Karel Pollak (Oddelek za urejanje prostora MOL), Anna Marie Fisker (vodja projekta CRAFT, Center for Food Science, Design & Experience at Department of Civil Engineering, Aalborg University), Fátima Pombo (Universidade De Aveiro), Elias Melvin Christiansen (Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology, Aalborg University), Daniela Rimei (AMAT, Marche).
Dogodek bo v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku. Organiziramo ga v okviru Erasmus+ projekta CRAFT, ki ga void univerza v Aalborgu, v njem pa je partnerica tudi sogostiteljica dogodka Filozofska fakulteta v Ljubljani: http://craft-culturalheritage.eu/
On Wednesday, May 29, at 6:00 pm, we invite you to the event Chair in a Public Space, where the Ljubljana bench will be presented.
Do you know how the bench, where you are waiting for a bus in the city or for a friend in the park, was created? Where does it stand and why is it as it is? Which seat, bench or chair is the one that is accessible to all users of the city?
After brief reflections on the topic of sitting in a public space by guests from the fields of architecture, philosophy and theater, there will be a presentation of the Ljubljana bench, the winning project in the Municipality of Ljubljana competition of 2010, which has replaced over 300 benches in the city over the years. The presentation by young architects and landscape architects who won the competition (Mojca Rupnik, Denis Rovan, Katja Saje, Sergej Hiti) will highlight the origin of the bench, which is common and accessible to all inhabitants of Ljubljana but not very well known to them yet.
Guests: Katja Saje and Denis Rovan (co-authors of the Ljubljana bench winning project), Karel Pollak (Spatial Planning Department, MOL), Anna Marie Fisker (CRAFT Project Manager, Aalborg University’s Center for Food Science, Design & Experience at the Department of Civil Engineering), Fátima Pombo (Universidade De Aveiro), Elias Melvin Christiansen (Department of Architecture, Design and Media Technology, Aalborg University), Daniela Rimei (AMAT, Marche).
The Multiplier Event will be held in Slovene and English. It is organized within the framework of the Erasmus + project CRAFT, co-hosted by the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana, which is one of the partners in the project, run by the University of Aalborg: http://craft-culturalheritage.eu/
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