17.07.2016 | 20 :00
/ eng below
V nedeljo, 17. julija se bodo udeleženci delavnice Uvod v trajnostni Stand Up prvič povzpeli na oder in delili svojo resnico s humorjem.
Delavnica Uvod v trajnostni Stand Up je namenjena tistim, ki želijo na samozavesten način govoriti o izzivih, vprašanjih in temah, ki so jim pomembne, na način da zares pritegne poslušalce. Z uporabo humorja in principa “Jaz sem OK, ti si OK” bodo udeleženci v varnem okolju razvijali svoje spretnosti javnega nastopanja, se učili kako vzpostaviti stik s poslušalci ter raziskovali različne načine soočanj z neuspehom in nepričakovanim. Več informacij o delavnici: https://goo.gl/8tAFBm
Vstopnina: Prostovoljni prispevki
Dogodek bo potekal v angleškem jeziku in se bo začel točno, zato pridite nekaj minut prej, da si zagotovite svoj sedež!
Serija treh delavnic pod skupnim naslovom Odkrij in deli svojo resnico: Belinine delavnice uporabne improvizacije je namenjena raziskovanju različnih vidikov odkrivanja in deljenja osebne resnice. Skozi različne pristope kot so humor, postavljanje dobrih meja in razvijanje samozavesti, vključuje široke in raznolike načine izražanja.
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Sustainable Stand Up: Discover and share your truth
Come and support brave individuals that are going to step on the stage for the first time to share their truth. Participants from the workshop Introduction to Sustainable Stand Up will have their own first small Stand Up on sunday, 17th of July at 20:00.
Entrance fee: Voluntary contributions
The show will be in english and is going to start on time, so make sure you get your seat early enough..
‘Sustainable Stand Up’ is designed for anyone who is doing good in the world and wants to learn a nice, engaging form of stand up comedy. We focus on humour coming from the ‘I’m OK, you’re OK’ space. Whether you want to speak more powerfully on issues that matter to you, build your confidence and presence while resenting, write more engagingly, or dabble in a possible stand up career this course will help you. No experience of stand up or improvisation is necessary. More information about the workshop: https://goo.gl/8tAFBm
This set of workshops focusses on different aspects of discovering and sharing your truth, be it through a nice form of humour, setting good boundaries, or expanding your confidence to include a roader, more delightful way to express your life.