11.08. – 13.08.2022

Odgovornost je v družbi tveganja individualizirana – posameznik je odgovoren, da sam poskrbi zase, svoje zdravje, ekonomski položaj in v zadnjih letih tudi za zmanjšanje tveganja okoljske katastrofe. Življenje na lastno odgovornot se je preselilo tudi v digitalne prostore, kjer prevladuje “call out” kultura, ki vsakega kliče na odgovornost, ne odpušča in deluje po principu “česar ne spreminjaš, to izbiraš”. Individualno je vsakdo poklican na odgovornost tako v analognem kot v digitalnem svetu, kolektivna odgovornost, odgovornost institucij in odgovornost nosilcev moči in oblasti pa so skoraj v celoti izključene iz politične razprave.
Oscilirajoč med determinizmom in avtonomijo bo festival obravnaval vprašanja pravne, politične, okoljske in družbene odgovornosti ter s sogovorniki_cami preizprašal meje med odgovornostjo posameznika in (političnih) institucij.
Grounded je festival elektronske glasbe, kritične misli in aktivizma, ki naslavlja aktualna družbena vprašanja s povezovanjem navidez nezdružljivega: deinstitucionalizirane teoretske razprave, povsakdanjenja družbenega aktivizma ter progresivne klubske elektronske kulture. V razpravah, projekcijah, predstavitvah, glasbenih nastopih in druženjih, katerih vrednostna izhodišča so enakost ne glede na osebne okoliščine, solidarnost s šibkejšimi in avtonomija posameznika_ce, udeleženke_ci iščejo informirane, argumentirane in odgovorne odzive na izzive sedanjosti in prihodnosti.
Prva izvedba festivala je bila leta 2015 na temo Avtonomija migracij, leta 2018 je bila tema Intima v času umetne inteligence, leta 2019 Avtomatizacija in oblast, leta 2020 Resnica in lani Država.
Grounded je festival elektronske glasbe, kritične misli in aktivizma, ki naslavlja aktualna družbena vprašanja s povezovanjem navidez nezdružljivega: deinstitucionalizirane teoretske razprave, povsakdanjenja družbenega aktivizma ter progresivne klubske elektronske kulture. V razpravah, projekcijah, predstavitvah, glasbenih nastopih in druženjih, katerih vrednostna izhodišča so enakost ne glede na osebne okoliščine, solidarnost s šibkejšimi in avtonomija posameznika_ce, udeleženke_ci iščejo informirane, argumentirane in odgovorne odzive na izzive sedanjosti in prihodnosti.
Prva izvedba festivala je bila leta 2015 na temo Avtonomija migracij, leta 2018 je bila tema Intima v času umetne inteligence, leta 2019 Avtomatizacija in oblast, leta 2020 Resnica in lani Država.
Več kmalu na: www.grounded.si


In a society of risk, responsibility is individualized – the individual is responsible for taking care of themselves, their health, the economic situation, and as of recently, for reducing the risk of an environmental catastrophe. Living at one’s own risk has also moved to the digital space, where a “call out” culture prevails, which holds everyone accountable, is not forgiving and acts on the “what you don’t change, you choose” principle. Individually, everyone is held accountable in both the analogue and the digital world, while collective responsibility, the responsibility of institutions and the responsibility of holders of power and authorities are almost entirely excluded from the political debate.
Oscillating between determinism and autonomy, the festival will address issues of legal, political, environmental and social responsibility, and question the boundaries between the responsibilities of the individual and (political) institutions.
Grounded is a festival of electronic music, critical thinking and activism, that addresses current social issues by combining the seemingly incompatible: deinstitutionalised theoretical debates, everyday social activism and progressive electronic club culture. Through debates, projections, presentations, music performances and hangouts – the baselines of which are equality irrespective of personal circumstances, solidarity with the weak and the autonomy to govern your own fate – the participants seek relevant, eligible and responsible answers to the contemporary challenges.
The first edition of the festival was held in 2015 with the theme Autonomy of migration. The theme in 2018 was Intimacy in the age of artificial intelligence, in 2019 Automation and Power, in 2020 Truth and last year’s theme was The State.
Grounded is a festival of electronic music, critical thinking and activism, that addresses current social issues by combining the seemingly incompatible: deinstitutionalised theoretical debates, everyday social activism and progressive electronic club culture. Through debates, projections, presentations, music performances and hangouts – the baselines of which are equality irrespective of personal circumstances, solidarity with the weak and the autonomy to govern your own fate – the participants seek relevant, eligible and responsible answers to the contemporary challenges.
The first edition of the festival was held in 2015 with the theme Autonomy of migration. The theme in 2018 was Intimacy in the age of artificial intelligence, in 2019 Automation and Power, in 2020 Truth and last year’s theme was The State.
More: http://grounded.si
Design: Luka Grčar
Design: Luka Grčar