03.02. | 21:00
Lezbična četrt
30 let. Kontra.
27. 1. – 3. 2. 2018
Sobota, 3. 2. 2018
21:00 Pritličje: Koncert: Strip Down (Berlin), ogrevanje & zaključek maRie cheRie
(English bellow)
Strip Down je solistični projekt britanske_ga skladatelja_ice, producenta_ke in violončelista_ke Elie Gregory (1985), ki je leta 2009 doštudiral_a kompozicijo na Birminghamskem konservatoriju s portfeljem, polnim tako čudnih kot čudovitih not, hrupov in idej. Kmalu zatem se je preselil_a v Berlin. Njegov_njen projekt Strip Down lahko opišemo kot elektro pop ali synth pop z značilnimi in nepozabnimi basovskimi linijami ter z visoko energetskimi performansi.
Ogrevanje & zaključek: maRie cheRie
Program celotnega festivala:
Saturday, 03 February 2018
21:00 Pritličje: Concert: Strip Down (Berlin), warm-up: DJ Kamasutra
Strip Down is a solo project of a British composer, producer and (violon)cellist Elie Gregory (1985), who finished her studies on composition in the year 2009 on the Bermingham conservatory with a portfolio full of weird as well as beautiful notes, noises and ideas. Soon after that they moved to Berlin. We can describe their project Strip Down as an electro pop or synth with distinctive and unforgettable bass lines and highly energetic performances.
Warm-up & Closing: maRie cheRie
Festival program: