09.06.2022 ǀ 16:00 – 18:00
Kako se riše kvir na podeželju? Kaj dela naše vsakdanjosti in nevsakdanjosti raznolike in posebne, glede na to, kje jih živimo?
Tokrat se v mednarodni različici Kvirkoli posvečamo obrobno naslovljenim potrebam ruralnih kvirov, in sicer na delavnici, ki jo bo izvedel zavod Koroška Pride. Pridružile_i se nam bodo partnerke_ji iz Nemčije in Madžarske, ki v svojih ruralnih okoljih delajo to, kar delamo mi: rišemo mavrice nad varnejšimi kotički naših vasi in krajev.
Na delavnici bomo primerjale_i realnosti biti kvir v ruralnem okolju v treh različnih državah s tremi različnimi političnimi konteksti. Kakšne so izkušnje LGBTIQ+ aktivistk_ov iz ruralnih območij Slovenije, Madžarske in Nemčije? Kakšni so izzivi in potrebe mladih LGBTIQ+ oseb? Kako si ustvarjajo varnejše prostore? Kako se odzivajo na sovražni govor, lažne novice ter anti-LGBTIQ+ retoriko, ki se pojavlja v njihovih okoljih? S pomočjo kreativnih metod bomo iskale_i podobnosti, razlike, dobre prakse in priložnosti mednarodnega sodelovanja.
Dogodek bo potekal v angleščini.
V sodelovanju z Zavodom Koroška Pride.
Celoten program Festivala si lahko ogledaš tukaj:
How to queer the countryside? What makes our daily lives and non-everyday lives diverse and special, depending on where we live? This international edition of Queerever will address the marginalised needs of rural queers at a workshop facilitated by the Koroška Pride. We will be joined by partners from Hungary and Germany who are doing what we do in their rural areas: drawing rainbows over the safer spaces of our villages and towns.
The workshop will compare the realities of being a queer in the rural environment in three different countries with three different political contexts. What are the experiences of LGBTIQ+ activists from the rural areas of Slovenia, Hungary and Germany? What are the challenges and needs of young LGBTIQ+ people? How do the activists create safer spaces? How do they respond to hate speech, fake news, and the anti-LGBTIQ+ rhetoric emerging in their environments? Using creative methods, we will look for similarities, differences, good practices and opportunities for international cooperation.
Event will be held in English.
In cooperation with Koroška Pride.
See the whole Festival programme here: