06.06.2022 ǀ 19:00 – 21:00
*English below*
LGBTIQ+ pobude od Goričkega do Pirana
Pogovor in povezovanje
Dogodek bo potekal v slovenščini.
V sodelovanju z lgbt_zasavje (instagram skupina), ekipo filma Beg, Koroška Pride, Maribor skozi rožnata očala, MC Zagorje ob Savi, GO! 2025.
Dogodek odpira prostor za decentralizacijo LGBTIQ+ skupnosti. V zadnjih letih smo bile_i priča prvim paradam ponosa v Mariboru in Slovenj Gradcu, lansko leto smo doživele_i tudi prvo čezmejno povorko med Gorico in Novo Gorico. Poleg tega pa so se, predvsem na družbenih omrežjih, začele razvijati tudi nove LGBTIQ+ iniciative, ki jih sestavljajo mlade LGBTIQ+ osebe, ki želijo usmeriti pozornost tudi na svoje lokalno okolje ter potrebe LGBTIQ+ oseb, ki tam bivajo. Kako se takšne iniciative sploh začnejo? Kako se soočajo z nasprotnicami_ki in sovražnim govorom, kako lahko pri tem – kot podporni člen – pomaga skupnost? Med dogodkom boste lahko prisluhnile_i odgovorom na ta in podobna vprašanja različnih iniciativ po Sloveniji, ki bodo predstavile_i svoje delo in vizijo. Obiskovalke_ci boste imele_i priložnost, da se z njimi povežete, skujete skupne načrte ter skupaj preživite večer. Vabljene_i vse_i članice_i LGBTIQ+ skupnosti, ki vas tovrstna tematika zanima, vse_i, ki se želite v sklopu svojih gibanj povezati z lokalnimi iniciativami, in vse_i, ki želite same_i zagnati iniciativo v svojem lokalnem okolju.
*lgbt_zasavje je Instagram profil, s katerim upravlja Dominika Zupan. S svojim delovanjem želi poskrbeti za pravičnejši in srčnejši svet.
*Za kratkim filmom Beg, ki govori o mladi punci Trini, ki se spopada s svojo spolno usmerjenostjo in nesprejemajočim okoljem, stoji mlada filmska ekipa srednješolk_cev s Štajerske. Pod režijsko taktirko dijakinje Eve Tergušek so omenjeni film posnele_i v Mariboru in Selnici ob Dravi.
*Koroška Pride sestavljajo mlade LGBTIQ+ osebe, ki želijo s svojim delovanjem vzpostaviti varen prostor za LGBTIQ+ osebe na Koroškem. Njihov namen je tudi, da – namesto bega v Ljubljano – o LGBTIQ+ tematikah ozaveščajo v ruralnih predelih in s tem LGBTIQ+ osebam, ki želijo ostati v domačem okolju, omogočijo nekaj več varnosti.
*Maribor skozi rožnata očala je dolgoletna iniciativa Mladinskega kulturnega centra Maribor, gre za edini redni program, ki naslavlja LGBTIQ+ tematike na Štajerskem. V sklopu tega programa od leta 2019 organizirajo tudi mariborsko parado ponosa.
*V MC Zagorje ob Savi so aprila letos začeli s srečanji Mavrično druženje za mlade in mlade po srcu, ki so namenjena LGBTQIA+ osebam ter vsem, ki svojo spolno usmerjenost in/ali spolno identiteto raziskujejo. Skupino vodi Tanja Veber, po srcu in izkušnjah mladinska delavka, Mariborčanka in članica LGBTQIA+ skupnosti.
*Kaja Širok, vodja projekta Evropska prestolnica kulture – GO! 2025, je med drugim tesno sodelovala pri organizaciji parade ponosa v Gorici in Novi Gorica v letu 2021. Trenutno deluje na projektu Evropska prestolnica kulture – GO! 2025 in se zavzema za strpno in raznoliko občino.
Celoten program Festivala si lahko ogledaš tukaj:
LGBTIQ+ initiatives from Goričko to Piran
Round table and networking
Event will be held in Slovene.
in cooperation with lgbt_zasavje (Instagram profile), the Beg film crew, Zavod Koroška Pride, Maribor skozi rožnata očala, Zagorje ob Savi Youth Centre, GO! 2025
The event will open up space for the decentralisation of the LGBTIQ+ community. In recent years, we have witnessed Pride parades being organised in Maribor and Slovenj Gradec, and last year we marched in the first cross-border parade between Gorizia (IT) and Nova Gorica (SI). New LGBTIQ+ initiatives have started to emerge, especially on social media, made up of young LGBTIQ+ people who want to focus on their local environments and the needs of LGBTIQ+ people living there. How do such initiatives get started? What is the main reason for this? How to deal with the opponents and hate speech and what role does the community play as a supportive link in this type of action? During the event, you will have the opportunity to hear answers to these and similar questions from various initiatives around Slovenia, each presenting their work and vision. Afterwards, visitors will have the opportunity to network with them, make joint plans, hang out and spend the evening together. Everyone in the LGBTIQ+ community who is interested in this topic, everyone wishing to connect with local initiatives in their own work and everyone wanting to start their own initiative are welcome.
*lgbt_Zasavje is an Instagram profile currently run by Dominika Zupan, who wants to use her profile to make the world a fairer and kinder place.
*The short film Run, which is about a young girl Trina who is struggling with her sexual orientation and her non-accepting environment, is the work of a young film crew of high school students from the Štajerska region. Directed by high school student Eva Tergušek, the film was shot in the area of Maribor and Selnica ob Dravi.
*The short film Run, which is about a young girl Trina who is struggling with her sexual orientation and her non-accepting environment, is the work of a young film crew of high school students from the Štajerska region. Directed by high school student Eva Tergušek, the film was shot in the area of Maribor and Selnica ob Dravi.
*The Koroška Pride Institute is made up of young LGBTIQ+ people who want to create a safe space for LGBTIQ+ people in the Koroška region. Their aim is also to raise awareness about LGBTIQ+ issues in rural areas rather than flee to Ljubljana, thus providing a safer environment for LGBTIQ+ people who want to stay in their hometown.
*Maribor skozi rožnata očala (Maribor through rose-tinted glasses) is a long-running programme of the Maribor Youth Cultural Centre and is the only regular programme in Štajerska that addresses LGBTIQ+ issues. Since 2019, the programme team has also been organising the Maribor Pride Parade.
*In April this year, the Youth Centre Zagorje ob Savi started the Rainbow Gathering for young people and the young at heart, which is aimed at LGBTQIA+ people and those exploring their sexual orientation and/or gender identity. The group is run by Tanja Veber, a youth worker at heart and by experience, a Maribor resident and member of the LGBTQIA+ community.
*Kaja Širok, Project Manager of the European Capital of Culture – GO! 2025, was closely involved in the organisation of the Gorizia-Nova Gorica Pride Parade in 2021. She is currently working on the European Capital of Culture – GO! 2025 project and is committed to a tolerant and diverse municipality.
See the whole Festival programme here: