15.05.2019 | 21:00
Kjer se navali besed povežejo z valovanjem zvokov, se odprejo nove dimenzije in bele lise tišine poglobijo. Kjer Kristina Hočevar spušča besede v kaoss, Tomaž O. Rous niansira ozračje z abelton live. Kadar pesnica molči, glasbenik ustvarja zvočne krajine na iPad. Igrata se.
Kristina Hočevar je avtorica šestih pesniških zbirk. Prejela je nagrado Zlata ptica in Jenkovo nagrado. Leta 2014 je pri Zavodu Gulag izšla 3 way art book – Trosmerna knjiga umetnika, v kateri so z njeno poezijo združene izvirne grafike Gorazda Krnca. Je tudi ena izmed pesnic pesniške platforme Versopolis. Njene pesmi so prevedene v več kot 15 jezikov. Ob pesnjenju poučuje slovenščino na gimnazijah v Ljubljani, lektorira prevodno leposlovje, včasih leposlovje iz angleščine tudi prevaja.
Tomaž O. Rous je skladatelj, producent in instrumentalist. Kot umetniški vodja in instrumentalist deluje v glasbeni skupini Revolute, najširši opus do sedaj pa je ustvaril v zasedbi Siddharta. Ustvaril je glasbene kompozicije za: predstavo Livingstonov poslednji poljub (nagrada Zlata paličica), igranodokumentarni film Sfinga, mednarodno nagrajeni film 8 and 1/2 Circles in za predstavo ČlovekA z bombami. Po lastni literarni predlogi je priredil scenarij za plesno predstavo Palček Metalček, jo korežiral in zanjo skomponiral in posnel glasbo.
Kristina Hočevar & Tomaž O. Rous: Sound and Shells (literary-musical performance)
Where the rushes of words connect with the wavings of sounds, new dimensions open and white patches of silence deepen. Where Kristina Hočevar releases words into ‘kaoss’, Tomaž O. Rous nuances the atmosphere with ‘ableton live’. When the poet is silent, the musician creates landscapes of sound on iPad; they play.
Kristina Hočevar is the author of six collections of poetry. She has received the nagrada Zlata ptica (Golden Bird Award) and Jenkova nagrada [Jenko’s Award]. In Zavod Gulag [Association Gulag] 2014 publishing ‘3 Way Art Book’ her poetry is combined with the original graphics of Gorazd Krnc. She is also one of the poets at the platform for poetry Versopolis. Her poems are translated into more than 15 languages. Besides writing poetry she teaches Slovene language at high schools in Ljubljana, she is a proofreader for translated literature and occasionally translates English literature.
Tomaž O. Rous is a composer, producer and instrumentalist. He is active in the musical group Revolute as art director and instrumentalist. He created his greatest opus so far in the band Siddharta. He has composed music for performance: Livingstonov poslednji poljub [Livingston’s Last Kiss] (Zlata Paličica award), acting-documentary film: Sfinga, internationally awarded film: 8 and ½ Circles and for the performance: ČlovekA z bombami [Human A With Bombs]. He edited a scenarium for the dance performance Palček Metalček after his own literary template, co-directed it and composed and recorded music for the performance.