09.06.2022 ǀ 18:30 – 20:00
Vojna v Ukrajini je po Evropi sprožila najrazličnejše oblike podpore begunkam_cem. LGBTIQ+ skupnost se je izjemno hitro mobilizirala ter v državah, kot sta Madžarska in Slovaška, vzpostavila LGBTIQ+ specifične begunske centre, prehodne namestitve, podporo v obliki zdravil za transspolne osebe, higienske pripomočke, druge materialne dobrine, svetovanje … Po drugi strani pa vemo, da naše države v očeh LGBTIQ+ oseb iz tujine, tudi iz Ukrajine, ne uživajo posebej dobrega ugleda. Veljajo za nevarne, nesprejemajoče, transfobne, zaprte … Vemo, da si LGBTIQ+ begunke_ci za končno destinacijo pogosteje izberejo Berlin ali pa morda Amsterdam …
Kaj lahko naša okolja sploh nudijo LGBTIQ+ ljudem v stiski, na begu pred vojno? Zakaj so LGBTIQ+ begunke_ci v še posebej ranljivem položaju? Katera so specifična tveganja zaradi intersekcijske diskriminacije na podlagi etnične pripadnosti, spolne identitete, spolnega izraza in spolne usmerjenosti? Katere oblike podpore so najbolj pomembne, najbolj potrebne in najbolj trajnostne? Kako sta videti mednarodno LGBTIQ+ povezovanje in mednarodna solidarnost v odnosu do LGBTIQ+ begunk_cev iz Ukrajine in do vseh drugih LGBTIQ+ begunk_cev iz drugih koncev sveta?
Razpravljale_i bomo skupaj z gostjami_i, ki so same_i aktivno vključene_i v mobilizacijo podpore za LGBTIQ+ begunke_ce in nam bodo izkušnje delile_i iz prve roke.
Dogodek bo potekal v angleščini.
Celoten program Festivala si lahko ogledaš tukaj:
The war in Ukraine triggered various forms of support for refugees across Europe. On the one hand, in countries like Hungary and Slovakia, the LGBTIQ+ community mobilised very quickly and established LGBTIQ+ specific refugee centres and transit accommodations, organised medical supplies for transgender people, hygiene products and other material goods, counselling, etc. On the other hand, we also know that our countries do not enjoy a good reputation in the eyes of LGBTIQ+ people from abroad, including those from Ukraine. They are perceived as dangerous, unaccepting, transphobic, closed… We know that LGBTIQ+ refugees will mostly choose places like Berlin or Amsterdam for their final destinations.
What can our countries offer to LGBTIQ+ people in need, to those fleeing the war? Why are LGBTIQ+ refugees in a particularly vulnerable position? What are the risks they face that stem from intersectional discrimination based on ethnic origin, gender identity, gender expression and sexual orientation? Which types of support are most important, most needed and sustainable? What do international solidarity and LGBTIQ+ networking, aiming to support LGBTIQ+ refugees from Ukraine as well as from other parts of the world, look like?
We will explore this topic together with our guests, who are personally involved in mobilising support for LGBTIQ+ refugees and will be able to share their first-hand experiences.
Event will be held in English.
See the whole Festival programme here: