14.09.2019 | 19:00
Avtomat je totalen queer universale — producent, DJ, vokalist, grafični oblikovalec in aktivist ter član našega sestrskega kolektiva Oramics s Poljske. Obiskuje nas po napadu desničarskih skrajnežev na prvi Paradi ponosa v Białystoku in vzpostavljanju t.i. “LGBT-free” con po državi. Kot odziv na ponovno eskalacijo sovraštva in nasilja na Poljskem, je kolektiv Oramics, v sodelovanju z založbo New York Haunted, izdal kompilacijo 121 skladb TOTAL SOLIDARITY. Izkupiček od prodaje kompilacije bo v celoti namenjen poljskim LGBTQIA+ organizacijam.
Z Avtomatom se bo pogovarjal Luka Volk. Pogovor bo v angleščini.
Obvezno domače branje:
IGNORANCE HA (TOTAL SOLIDARITY – benefit compilation for grassroot LGBTQIA+ organizations in Poland, Oramics & New York Haunted, 2019)
A MESS (grids 1, outlines, 2019)
Poljska je klasičen primer tega, kaj se lahko zgodi, če na oblast prileze vlada s skrajno desnimi političnimi prepričanji. In na njej tudi ostane. Konservativna stranka Zakon in pravičnost (PiS) se leta 2015, ravno na vrhu t.i. “begunske krize”, s pomočjo populistične retorike vrne v vlado in prevzame večino v parlamentu. Če je leta 2016 prizadevanja vlade za omejitev umetne prekinitve nosečnosti, pod okriljem takratne premierke Beate Szydło (PiS), in Rimokatoliške cerkve, uspel ustaviti Črni ponedeljek, je vodilna stranka PiS istega leta preprečila, da bi bilo nasilje nad LGBTQ+ osebami deklarirano kot zločin iz sovraštva. In tako je v Białystoku prišlo do nasilja, čeprav očitno ne izrojenega iz sovraštva, ki ga lahko obsodi celo sam premier Mateusz Morawiecki (PiS). Poudaril je, da tako on kot njegova stranka “obsojata to agresivno vedenje” in da “je na Poljskem prostor za vse, zagotovo pa ni prostora za huligansko vedenje.” To seveda zveni nekoliko ironično, če je ravno njegova stranka poskušala preprečiti, da bi se homoseksualci lahko zaposlili v šolskem sistemu, saj naj tam ne bi bilo prostora za “perverzije, ki vodijo v zaton civilizacij.” Pa kaj?
“Here’s a ballroom track for the hard times for the LGBTQ+ community in Poland, featuring a conservative Polish MP, Krystyna Pawłowicz, commenting on how LGBT relationships are unproductive and the state cannot sanction them. LET’S VOGUE THROUGH IT TOGETHER!”
— Avtomat o skladbi Ignorance Ha
Po pogovoru > Klubski dogodek v Monoklu
𝕦𝕡𝕣𝕒𝕧𝕒 (19.⁰⁰ ⁻ ²³.⁰⁰) + 𝕤𝕖𝕛𝕟𝕒 𝕤𝕠𝕓𝕒 ⁽²³.⁰⁰ – ⁰⁶.⁰⁰⁾:
• Avtomat (Oramics, PL) •
• Warrego Valles •
• Estera •
• Volk •
• Pobalnika •
• Katcha •
Javne seje so pogovori v živo z glasbeniki_cami, ki jih ob gostovanjih v Klub Monokel in Klub Tiffany soorganizirata Ustanova in Pritličje. Gostje so družbeno angažirani umetniki_ce, ki jih je pomembno poslušati in slišati.
Klub Monokel // Članarina na vratih: 5€
/// 𝔼ℕ𝔾 𝕧𝕖𝕣𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟
After a successful inaugural season and the opening 42-hour long marathon assembly, Ustanova ‘The Institution’ returns to the scene of the crime with a new series of events hosting international acts. The sole purpose of the platform stays the same — it tries to exceed social normatives and intervene into public space through the club. The chains of repression will break only by dance. And radical social and systemic change.
Avtomat is an absolute queer universale — composer, producer, DJ, vocalist, graphic designer and a member of our sister crew Oramics from Poland. Even though his musical expression has been constantly changing through his decade long career, it has always stayed true to its queer and anti-fascist nature. This is best recognised in his selection of tracks, which can be best described as the future of club music. On the many club nights he organizes (Oramics, Ciężki Brokat, W Mocy Nocy, Dystopia), he blends unusual rhythmic patterns and futuristic sounds without forgetting the more humane qualities like melody and harmony, all kicked up a notch with his improvised vocals.
He is paying us a visit soon after the attack of right-wing extremists on the last Pride parade in Białystok and the formation of so called “LGBT-free” zones. This new escalation of hatred and violence has been met with TOTAL SOLIDARITY — a 121 track compilation made possible by Oramics and the New York Haunted label. All proceeds go to helping LGBTQIA+ organizations in Poland.
We will be holding an artist talk (8 pm) with Avtomat in Pritličje before the event in Monokel.
Ustanova (“The Institution”) is a social structure that makes the rules for behaviour of a larger group of people. With its jurisdictions on the dancefloor, it tries to intervene into public spaces and educate them into a community.
The rules of the dancefloor are not arbitrary but are determined and executed by a trustworthy community. Any kinds of verbal or phyisical violence, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, nationalism, racism or other types of oppression are strictly prohibited.
Klub Monokel / Membership fee on the door: 5€
design: Uno Tisto