05.02.2020 | 18:00
“Zastopani” in “nepredstavljeni” umetniki – karierni vzorci sodobnih umetnikov s Hrvaške in vpliv mednarodnega umetniškega trga
Trg sodobne umetnosti na Hrvaškem najpogosteje opisujemo kot komajda obstoječ, če upoštevamo njegov omejen in nestrukturiran razvoj v zadnjih treh desetletjih. Ne glede na nerazvitost lokalnega umetniškega trga vpliv mednarodnega umetniškega trga na sodobne umetnike iz Hrvaške narašča.
Predavanje bo zajelo dva vidika. Prvi del predavanja bo predstavil dogajanje na umetnostnem trgu na Hrvaškem, drugi pa bo posvečen vplivu mednarodnega umetniškega trga na sodobne hrvaške umetnike. Podatki o galerijskih predstavitvah in razstavni dejavnosti bodo predstavljeni ob izbranem vzorcu umetnikov.
O njihovih kariernih vzorcih bo razpravljano v okviru odnosa med institucionalno in komercialno sfero na področju sodobne umetnosti. Končno bodo ugotovitve za ne-zahodne umetnike primerjane z rezultati študij, ki se osredotočajo na Zahodni svet umetnosti.
Tihana Puc je diplomirala iz umetnostne zgodovine in etnologije na Fakulteti za humanistične in družbene vede Univerze v Zagrebu na Hrvaškem. Doktorirala je iz upravljanja in razvoja kulturne dediščine na Inštitutu IMT v Lucci, Italija. Zaposlena je bila je kot znanstvena sodelavka na Oddelku za umetnostno zgodovino Fakultete za humanistične in družbene vede Univerze na Reki ter kot kustosinja v Muzeju sodobne umetnosti v Zagrebu, trenutno pa je zaposlena kot višja strokovna svetovalka na Ministrstvu za kulturo Republike Hrvaške.
“Represented” artists vs “unrepresented” artists – career patterns of contemporary artists from Croatia and the impact of the international art market
The contemporary art market in Croatia is most commonly described as barely-existent, considering its scarce and unstructured development over the past three decades. Notwithstanding the underdeveloped character of the local art market, the influence of the international art market on the contemporary artists from Croatia is growing. The lecture will cover both aspects. The first part of the lecture will introduce the art-market-related developments in Croatia, while the second part will be devoted to the impact of the international art market on the contemporary artists from Croatia. The data on the gallery representations and exhibition activity will be presented for a sample of artists. Their career patterns will be discussed in the context of the relationship between the institutional and commercial realms of the contemporary art field. Finally, the findings for non-Western artists will be compared to those from studies focusing on the Western zones.
Tihana Puc graduated with a degree in Art History and Ethnology from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia. She holds a PhD in Management and Development of Cultural Heritage from the IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy. She worked as a research-assistant at the Department of Art History at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Rijeka, as a curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb, and she is currently employed as a senior expert advisor at the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia.